Sad News from a Friend

Written on 07.58 by angga

Yesterday I got the sad news from a friend , one of my friends named Melinda was getting disaster , his father had died in hospital as a result bekasi enlarged liver disease . Today , he is buried in a common grave officer , north jakarta . Many family and close friends who come to his house Melinda to give encouragement .

Actually disease liver enlargement ( hepatomegaly ) that what the heck ? Enlarged Liver ( Hepatomegaly ) is enlargement of the liver exceeds its normal size .


The cause is often found :
- Alcoholism 
- A Hepatitits 
- Hepatitis B
- Congestive heart failure ( CHF , congestive heart failure )
- Leukemia
- Neuroblastoma
- Reye's syndrome
- Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Niemann 
- Pick Disease
- Congenital fructose intolerance
- Diseases of glycogen accumulation
- Metastatic Tumors
- Primary biliary cirrhosis
- Sarcoidosis 
- Sclerotic cholangitis
- Hemolytic 
- uremic syndrome. 

Enlarged liver usually does not cause symptoms . But if the great magnifying power , can cause discomfort in the stomach or abdomen feels full .If the enlargement occurs rapidly , can be painful when touched .
DiagnosisThe size can be touched / felt through the abdominal wall during a physical examination.If the tender palpable liver , usually caused by acute hepatitis , fatty infiltration , blockage by blood or initial blockage of the bile duct.

Hearts will be felt hard and irregular shape , if the cause is cirrhosis .Real lump is usually suspected a cancer.

Other tests that can be done to help determine the cause of enlargement of the liver are :

- Abdominal X
- rays
- CT scan of the abdomen
- Liver function tests .

Treatment depends on the cause .

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